John Lindsay grave, Union Cemetery, Slatington, Pennsylvania; image credit

John Lindsay (24 October 1886 - 20 October 1918) died of pneumonia (Spanish flu) at Camp McClellan, Alabama. He was thirty-one years old.
Lindsay grew up in Slatington on Walnut Street and once worked in the rolling mill there. He left with one of the first groups of draftees from the area in September 1917 for Camp Meade, Maryland. Before his death, he had just spent a ten-day furlough with his parents in Slatington, before returning back to Camp McClellan at the start of October 1918.
Prewar listed occupation: roll hand at the Bethlehem Steel Company
Draft registration listed home address: 1139 Railroad, North Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
father Joseph Lindsay, 1861-1925
mother Sarah J. Foster; 1865-1930
brother Charles Lindsay 1883-1944
sister Martha E. 1899-1971 (Peters)