Raymond Thomas Reichard grave, Saint Mihiel American Cemetery, France; image credit

Raymond Thomas Reichard (2 September 1895 - 2 October 1918) died of pneumonia (Spanish flu) while serving with Company H, 39th infantry regiment, 4th infantry division in France. He was twenty-three years old.
We have so very few details of his army service.
4 April 1918, born in Allentown, Pennsylvania
2 March 1918, accepted for military service
1 May 1918, left Lehigh County with 14 other men for the Columbus Barracks, Columbus, Ohio (later renamed Fort Hayes)
September-October 1918, with the 4th infantry division which participated in the Meuse-Argonne offensive.
Private McCloskey was originally buried in the American Cemetery, Mesves-sur-Loire, France, before being re-interred in the St. Mihiel American Cemetery France.
draft registration listed occupation: laborer [farm]
Draft registration listed home address: R. 1, Slatington, Pennsylvania
father Daniel J. Reichard, 1860-1949
mother Emma S. Ritz, 1866-1928
brother Alfred Reichard, 1886-1958
brother Edwin L. Reichard 1889-1971
sister Mabel E. Reichard 1891-1933 (Bittner)
sister Beulah M. Reichard 1891-1941 (Hollenbach)
brother Llewellyn H. Reichard 1897-1952
brother Robert A. Reichard 1901-1949